Court Center
Longwood Covered Courts
Since 1913 Longwood Covered Courts has been serving the Boston area tennis community. The club has two recently upgraded courts and is open seven days a week starting October through April of each year.
If you are a member and need help managing your account with Tennis Director, you can find answers to many questions in the formidable Tutorials. Click on the link above.
For the 2024/25 season
We are using the entrance by the office to enter the club. The door on the Brimmer & May side of our building is also available. This is the preferred entrance during matches, as you can access the upper level without walking across the court when people are playing.
Snow Policy: The Covered Courts stays closed when the Newton Public School system is closed due to snow. If the Newton Public Schools open later in the morning after snow removal, Covered Courts open later as well. The Covered Courts may also close b/c of snow even if the Newton Public School doesn’t.
Court Reservation: Court Reservations are made in TennisDirector. Click on the Book Online link to the left, and then log in to your account to make a reservation. For help with TennisDirector, click on the link above for tutorials.
For more information about the Covered Courts, please call the club manager at (617) 566-9066 or email